Nike says “Just Do It”…Michael Masterson says “Ready Fire Aim”…GOD says “Go and I’ll show you”. Well I’m very analytical. I think structure and having a plan in life is a secure thing…LOL. And I’m also trained from childhood to think before I speak and to look before I leap. Sooo…you probably can imagine some of the struggles I have come up against in the pursuit of my dreams and destiny starting my ministry and business- ALL 4 HIM Ministries, Inc.

Currently by day I’m a professional Accounting Consultant for a well known company. I spend months and sometimes years working at various clients on different types of projects or assignments. It’s my “tent-making” as Paul called it. But my PASSION is music ministry and helping others to become successful in their various endeavors in life. I didn’t always know that though. From childhood I was heavily influenced to study business so I could graduate from college and get a good job and become a “successful” and dynamic woman in Corporate America. So, when I took one of those tests that measures things I’d be good at I scoffed when it said I’d be good in The Arts and Entertainment. I was like “Riiiight…I don’t think so…I love music, but I don’t play or sing or act and besides who wants to be a broke down starving artist?”

Fast forward many years later and here I am today singing in a group and Community choir, playing an instrument, writing music, and serving as a Music Leader at my church. Who knew? LOL. GOD did. It wasn’t easy getting here and I still have a LONG way to go but I can’t imagine doing anything else in life. But even still as the Holy Spirit kept nudging me to step out and start my business, I kept hesitating and doubting because I didn’t “feel” I was really “equipped”. And I’m an Accountant so you know the million and one financial and business questions constantly flooded my brain. I kept saying, “God, show me and I’ll go.” And you KNOW what He said, right? “No, go and I’ll show you.” It’s not like I haven’t read the story of Abraham or Moses or Joshua or any of the other Bible favorites on the stepping out on a faith journey. But it’s always different when it’s time for the rubber to meet the road and it’s YOUR story…LOL.

What helped me to finally break through my fears and doubt? Not wanting to die having NOT tried. Not wanting to add my name to the long list of those who selfishly kept their gifts locked away until it was too late; the Master had come, and time was up…exit stage left…time to give an account. Life really IS short compared to eternity. Plus, I figure if I’m going to stand at the plate called “Life” I might as well swing at the ball. Even if I strike out the point is that I tried because on the other hand there is the chance that I’ll actually hit a home run. But I’ll never know unless I swing.

I’m learning that fear will always be there. You just have to find a way to go for it in the face of fear. Being around like-minded people and conquering things one task at a time help but in the end it all comes down to TRUSTING GOD. Jer. 29:10, says that God knows the plans that He has for me and that they are for my good…to give me a future and a hope. Either He’s telling the truth or He’s a liar. Scripture says that God is NOT a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). So, I’ve chosen to step out and trust Him and to “go” as He shows me.

I pray that this post will encourage some of you who have stepped out there as I have but just need some assurance or confirmation to help you keep going. KEEP GOING. DON’T QUIT. DON’T YOU GIVE UP. I also hope this post pricks those of you who know you have a dream and a passion that you are afraid to pursue. TRUST GOD and go ahead and SWING.

What’s your story? Please share it with me.

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