My Blog


Dreams are the fuel that ignites our ambitions and drives us towards a future filled with possibilities. They are the visions and goals of what we can achieve and the desires that inspire us to reach beyond our current circumstances. Thus, dreaming without limits is a mindset that frees us from self-imposed restrictions and limited…

Unleashing the Power of Motivation: Ignite Your Dreams and Soar!

My Dear Friend, Today, I want to speak to the fire within you—the dreams, aspirations, and untapped potential waiting to be unleashed. I want to remind you that you possess an extraordinary power, a force that can move mountains and make dreams come true. It’s called motivation, and it’s time to awaken it within you.…

Discovering the Extraordinary Path of Purpose: Your Journey Begins Now

Recently I’ve been engrossed in a lot of social media, audiobooks, articles, and blogs because I’m always asking myself, “Trinitia, what IS the meaning of life?” It inevitably takes me back to a reflective thought-journey about my goals and dreams. I think purpose is a quest that unites us all. So today, for a moment,…

Tough Times Don’t Last but Tough People Do!

Life is a journey of ups and downs, successes and failures, triumphs, and challenges. Sometimes we face tough times that test us to the core…our resilience, our character, and even our will to survive. Have you ever heard the familiar quote; “Tough times don’t last but tough people do.” This powerful statement helps to remind…

The Benefits of Optimism

I like to think of myself as more of an optimistic person as opposed to a pessimistic person. WHY? Because optimism is a far better option and mental “head space” to live in. There are so many benefits to optimism that can enhance your life in numerous ways, especially during today’s tough times. Optimism provides…


By everyone’s account the year, 2020, ain’t been no crystal stair. This year saw a plethora of violence from police brutality to incomprehensible murders to marches and rallies against racism to a divided country over politics at its ugliest and to then to top it off a worldwide pandemic that has led to the highest…

Dealing with Discouragement

HOW TO OVERCOME DISCOURAGEMENT AND LIVE THE LIFE YOU WERE MADE TO LIVE MY STORY I’m on a weight loss journey to lose 80 pounds. I’m tired of the yo-yo dieting; losing and gaining 25 to 30 pounds (for the last ten years). I’m also disappointed with myself for subconsciously allowing myself to become discouraged to…


From the time I was a young girl, I’ve always known that I’m destined for greatness.  I don’t say that with any form of arrogance or facetiousness… simply a quiet inner “knowing” within myself.   Some of you may say, “What is greatness?” Well greatness, in my humble opinion (as defined by, means “the quality or…


The one thing we have is our mind…which defines as “the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought.” Similar to our brain with all of its intricacies, there is nothing like the mind. It can conceive, contemplate,…


Often times we may look at people we consider “successful” and wish we had their lives and their status but have we ever stopped to consider what it may have cost them to reach that point of “success”? (For the sake of this blog post we’ll define success according to Merriam-Webster, as “the fact of getting…