It’s my choice!!!

I am always amused at how we as individuals are so quick to defend our right to choose how we want to live our lives and will fight to keep people from telling us what to do yet we never stop, for even a millisecond, to consider the CONSEQUENCES of our choices.

How many decisions do you make in a day? For example: To get up when the alarm clock goes off or to sleep that extra 15 minutes? To obey the speed limit or ignore it because you’re running late? To spend money on that material thing you’ve just got to have or to be a blessing to someone else that might have a need that you could meet? To make that quick business deal because you want to get paid or to be patient and keep working hard even though you don’t see results yet?  To stand up in your neighborhood and speak out against drugs and gang violence and senseless shootings or to just be quiet and mind your own business?  Stop and take a minute to think about some of the choices you’ve made in the last week, last few months and this past year.  What were the consequences of some of those choices?  Do you have any regrets?  Do you think you should have made some different choices in some of those situations? Well, unfortunately, we can’t go back and undo our past but we can start anew thanks to brand new mercies given to us everyday.  Make an effort today to think through one decision you have to make.  What are your options?  Who will be impacted by your decision? If possible, seek advise from a mentor or someone you trust and respect. Most importantly, pray to GOD.

Currently I’m at one of those stages in my life’s journey where instability and uncertainty surround me as I’m watching some opportunities I’ve had come to an end (i.e. teaching beginning piano one on one in a public place) while others are beginning to open up (i.e. preparing worship service music virtually on weekly basis) and lead to new adventures during this Covid-19 pandemic.  In the midst of all that’s going on one thing has stayed prevalent in my spirit these last few weeks: the importance of making right choices. Deut. 30:19 says, “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live’” (  Can’t get any clearer than that…LOL! We have been given the test and the answer to the test. 

Some of the recent choices I have made are going to impact my life greatly but they will also impact my legacy.  WOW.  What about you?  Share your thoughts with me.